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Information on Causes of Acid Wastes

What Causes Acid Wastes

Bad diets- including meat and potatoes, fried foods soft drink colas, sucrose and other sugars- build up acid salts in  the body. Often  these deposits, by having to be stored away from blood flow, can remain in the body for decades.

Stress- both mental and physical - can also form acid deposits in the body. mental stress can make you feel depressed. While the philological, scientific connection to stress in the body has not been completely established, there exists a school of thought in psychology, called psychosomatics, which maintains that ones mental state will influence health. Doctors in Japan following 40 years of research and testing believe that daily drinking of alkaline water can lift depression. Let us look at some healing benefits of drinking Ionized water.



Overweight is a major health issue in America. It arises from the overeating of carbohydrates and fats. When the metabolic process is not able to burn them away, the blood must place these fatty acids somewhere. It first stores them under the skin, around the waist in men, and around the hips, thighs, and breasts in women. then it deposits wastes around organs and tissues, which then receive a smaller supply of nutrients and are thereby damaged. This second stage is more deadly. An easy gentle way to loose weight is to was the fatty acids out of the body is by drinking six to eight glasses alkaline of water a day. This practice has been employed in Japan for the last thirty years, and doctors there record numerous instances of weight loss.



Dr. Keiichi Morishitia in his book, The Hidden Truth of Cancer, states that if blood develops a more acidic condition, then these acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body.  If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells might begin to die.  Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming normal; these are called malignant.  Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands.  They undergo a cellular division that is out of control.  This is called cancer.  Modern medicine in America treats the malignant cells as if they were bacteria or viruses.  It uses chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to treat cancer.  Yet none of these treatments will help very much, if after all of that, the acidic environment remains.  Drinking water that has high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer.  In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.



Acidification of the body begins in the blood.  Remember that the blood must keep its pH within that safe range of 7.3 to 7.45, and will do so by transforming liquid wasted into solid ones and storing them.  This physiological state of homeostasis is maintained by chemicals called buffers.  When buffer levels are low, possibly from ingestion of too many acid foods or drinks, then a condition called acidosis develops.  Japanese doctors feel that people with high blood pressure have an acidosis condition.  They cite many successful clinical cases where ingestion of high pH alkaline water has lowered blood pressure.  These doctors cite several causes for their success in lowering blood pressure through administering alkaline water.  When the pH of blood is raised or alkalinized, and if you raise it from 7.3 to 7.45 you increase its pH bt 68% then excess oxygen is added to the blood, and the heart does not have to work hard.  Also, the ionized calcium added to the blood from the alkaline water may be dissolving the plaque and cholesterol build-up on the walls of the arteries.  While the effect of alkaline water is gentle, and its greatest health benefits do not happen in a day or a month, you should be able to lower your blood pressure within a few months of drinking alkaline water.  Japanese doctors have been using alkaline water to successfully treat high blood pressure for years.



The adult disease of diabetes is called insulin independent diabetes mellitus.  It usually affects people over the age of 40.  People who have this ailment usually eat too much and are overweight.  Age is a factor here, because the efficiency of the pancreas decreases as we grow older.  A shortage of calcium ions in the body impairs the production and release of the insulin hormone.  That can lead to an acidic blood condition.  Clogged blood vessels caused by excess protein buildup also impair pancreatic function.  Alkaline water, by supplying calcium in an ionized form, and by preventing excess protein buildup, can help this condition.  The Japanese have been successfully clinically treating diabetes with alkaline water.



Many different forms of arthritis and gout are the result of the accumulation of acid wastes in the joints.  Ointments simply cover-up symptoms.  Aspirin, being acidic, can offer short-term relief, but over a longer period, it can add to the pain.  Alkaline water is employed by Asian doctors to alter the acidic condition in the body so that the body can fix the problem by itself.



As the body consumes toxins, the kidneys become over-burdened with acid wastes.  Nephritis, uremia poisoning, and bladder diseases are all related conditions which can be treated by the consumption of alkaline water.  Kidney stones begin as tiny specks; they gradually build into solid stones, composed of phosphates, urates, etc.  They are another form of acidic salts.  Drinking plenty of alkaline water will prevent kidney stones from forming, and even after their formation, it can dissolve them.  Japanese doctors have used alkaline water for years to treat the kidneys.



Alkaline water is produced using electrolysis to electrically split filtered tap water into alkaline and acid water.  The machine was first developed in Japan in the early 1950's, and approved for use as a  medical device by The Health & Rehabilitation Ministry in Jan. of 1966.  The ionized minerals found in city tap water are important.  Common alkaline minerals are sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium; the common acid minerals are chlorine, lead, sulfur, and phosphorous.  The water ionizer has two chambers, with a positive and a negative electrode.  When the process is complete, one chamber provides alkaline water with its ionized alkaline minerals.  This is what we drink, the water that is so healthy for us.


A woman in her forties under high stress was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was told she had abnormally high cholesterol levels.  She began consuming one and a half quarts a day of alkaline water.  After a few weeks, both her cholesterol and blood pressure were lowered; and as an added benefit, her stomach began to feel much better.  A teenager with  severe acne began drinking the water, and after three months, the condition was cleared up.  He consumed two quarts a day of alkaline water.  A man worried about the effect of the prescription drugs that he was taking for overweight began consuming two quarts of the water per day.  After six months, he had thrown away his drugs, and had lost over thirty pounds.  In California, a man had been suffering from hyper-acidity for many years, and after eating a meal would unpredictably vomit.  He began consuming six glasses of the alkaline water per day.  Within a week his acidity ended; he also lost fifteen pounds in three months, and discovered a dramatic rate of increase in his ability to heal small ailments, like cuts and bruises.  A woman had suffered constipation for thirty years, and began drinking water on a regular basis, and completely rid herself of this condition.  She had also lacked an appetite for years, but has now developed a healthy one.  One man who likes to consume alcohol moderately, noticed when he began consuming water on a regular basis, that he quit suffering hangovers, and that the drowsiness he regularly experienced had left him.  A female athlete in her twenties began consuming the alkaline water for a stomach condition; she felt an increase in her general energy level, and after a day of strenuous training, found that the alkaline water minimized the aches and pains she had always previously experienced.  For years, a woman had suffered ulcers, and was feeling nauseous from her medication; a regular consumption of the water allowed her to cease her medication and the ulcer began to go away.  One could go on and on with these stories, and there are many more, but what we suggest you do is simply try the water yourself.

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