Black Hills Health Products
New Compensation Plan

We have a 4 level uni-level compensation plan. This means you can have an unlimited amount of personally sponsored people on your first level.

Uni-level Commissions
1 25%
2 12.50%
3 6.25%
4 3.125%

Uni-Level commissions are paid on 70% of the product distributor price.
Example: A 270ct capsule bottle of Ultimate Enzymes are $45.00...70% of $ 31.50.  25% of 31.50 is $7.88.  12.50% of 31.50 is $3.94.  6.25% of 31.50 is $1.97 and 3.125% of 31.50 is 98¢.  Again, another example of the 70% breakdown: A bottle of Anti-Oxidant is $30.00...70% of $30.00 is 21.00...25% of 21.00 is $5.25...12.50% of 21.00 is $2.63 and so on.

Your minimum $30.00 monthly purchase, in the same month you have downline ordering in, will qualify you for all 4 levels in the uni-level compensation plan.

This Program is Not in EFFECTIVE at this time


 WelcomeCompany Information

Colon Health   Colostrum  Mineral Water  Acid Wastes  One of a Kind Anti-Oxidant

Enzymes Q&A   Oatmeal Test

Testimonials  Comp Plan  Application and Agreement

Products Tinctures in a Bottle

Secure On Line Order

Black Hills Health Products
7216 Lola Dr.
Black Hawk, SD  57718
Toll free (888) 383-4056
Office(605) 787-6253
 Fax (605) 787-6267
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