Please select ONE of the following options, and consult your sponsor for assistance to be sure you understand your choices: |
Auto-Purchase and Auto-Payment |
As a convenience to me, I instruct and authorize Black Hills Health Products, Inc. to send me future
product purchases each month, around the 15th, the following product(s) ________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________, which will qualify me for any commissions earned. Please
Please deduct my Auto ship purchase(s) + shipping and handling from one of the following payment methods. |
Completed STANDING ORDER must be submitted with this application! |
OR |
Manual Purchase  |
I understand I will be responsible for ordering and paying for all my products each I place an order.
Please send me all my commissions I may have earned, if I was qualified. I understand I will not receive a commission check if I fail to make a qualifying purchase in the same month I have down line ordering in. |
Applicant signature (required) |
Date |